New cafe is opened near Cape Maeda. Nice Open space and nice music. Dog friendly as well.
The pasta lunch is around 1000 JPN Yen, you can choose the pasta from 3 kinds. Including soup, salad, bread and coffee.
We ordered the tomato based pasta. Taste nice, but we need a bit volume. We'll order the large portion next time.
We love the space and music, you can see the small mangroves in front of the cafe. I didn't check WiFi availability but if available, we will stop by for cafe time as well next time.
Name:cafe aura (カフェ アウラ)
TEL: 098-989-9001
沖縄県国頭郡恩納村字真栄田2253-3 (Onnna Maeda 2253-3)
Hour: 12:00-22:30(Sun till 19:00)
Holiday: Monday
Map is here.