March 8, 2011

Awesome dimsum in Naha

I'm looking for nice Dimsum restaurant in Okinawa. JAL hotel Alivila in Yomitan is one option but a bit expensive (Lunch time is around 2500 JPN Yen. Served with Dimsum wagon car is nice). And I've heard very nice street type 小龍包(Shou ron Pau) in Naha. Finally, I visited this small street restaurant in Sakae machi Market. Taste was awesome.
I used to live in Taiwan for 2 years. and this restaurant style is like street restaurant in Taiwan and taste as well.

I preferred 焼餃子 than 小龍包. The other customers ordered side menu. Those all looked nice. I'll order side menu as well.

Price is around 500 JPN Yen for 8 piece.
Restaurant is open from 6:30pm, but restaurant until 7:30pm is crowded. After 7:30pm, we can use tables in street because neighbor stores are close. The following map information is not perfect. I recommend you walk inside of market and find people who eat outside.


焼餃子(Pan fried dumpling)

手づくり餃子の店 べんり屋 (Benri Ya)


沖縄県那覇市字安里388(Naha asato 388)
栄町市場内 (Sakae machi market)



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