Traditional Taco rice place is many near Kin area. Today I would like to introduce the Omu-Taco (Taco rice rolled with eggs like Omlette).
If you drive up north from campus, pass city hall and ANA hotel. You can find small diving shop(Benthos diving) and the 2nd floor is famous Omu-taco shop, called Kijimu-na.
You can order Omu-Taco with some toppings. Today I chose corn. Avocado, bacon etc you can choose.
When you add drink and french fry, price is around 1000 JPN Yen. You can order large size of Omu-taco with 100 JPN Yen additional.
You can find Kijimu-na at Chatan and Maeda cape as well. Enjoy Omu-taco.
Name: Kijimuna (きじむなあ)
TEL: 098-966-8389
Address: 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村瀬良垣475 2F (Onnna-son Seragaki475 2nd Floor of Benthos divers)
Parking is ocean side.
Hours: 12:00-21:00
Holiday: Sun during winter time.
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